Fall in West Michigan


Katelyn spent several years living on the west side of the state near Grand Rapids while attending Grand Valley State University and every fall, when life starts to settle down, we make a weekend trip across the state.

There’s something about the western side of Michigan that is enchanting come fall. The leaves start changing colors, the orchards are open, and the Lake Michigan beaches are vacant. Things are quiet and it is the perfect way to end a busy summer season.

We are lucky enough to have some friends with an amazing place on Lake Michigan who open up their house to us. Nestled atop the grassy sand dunes, we have the perfect view of the shoreline and the vast openness of Lake Michigan. And, as if the view isn’t good enough, we even sent the drone up to see from overhead.


It absolutely perfect. No people. No boats. Just the calmness of the waves and the dune grass in the wind.

But staring at the beautiful beach isn’t the only reason we’re out there!


If you don’t know, Marc is an avid cyclist. Typically he races cyclocross but on occasion he enlists for some other races and rides. On Saturday he, along with some teammates from Roll Models, raced in the first annual Hart Hills Gravel Classic. The weather was a bit cold and wet, but overall the race went really well. Marc took home second in his race.

On Sunday the two of us headed into Grand Rapids for Artprize, an international art competition which takes place over 19 days across the city. The two of us have been going to Artprize together for the last seven years. Not only do we enjoy the art but we also go because we need an excuse for a burger from Stella’s Lounge.

Even though it was quick, it was a great weekend away.

Now that winter is upon us, we’re trying to make the most out of all of the good weather we have left. This means we are trying to book our weekends full of day trips and weekend getaways so we can enjoy every last moment before the snow falls.

Where do you like to spend you autumn seasons? Let us know in the comments!